consent eval

Cards (9)

  • positive
    keeps public safe - cannot consent to street fighting (AGs Ref No6)
  • positive
    defence needed otherwise contact sports, tattoos, piercings and surgery would be criminal
    allows society to function and people can express themselves
  • positive
    must be of age to consent (Burrell)
    protects children
  • negative
    law lagging behind views in today's society (Dr Evil) (Brown)
  • negative
    inconsistency (Wilson) vs (Brown)
  • negative
    difficulties surrounding euthanasia, moral issue
    lack of autonomy over own life
  • negative
    common law defence
    subjective decisions, hard to follow
  • reforms
    law commission reviewed the defence of consent in 1995 but no real reforms were suggested
  • con - backlash on law LGBTQ+ community, difference between (Wilson) and (Brown), discriminatory