with feet flat on the ground, reach your highest point by jumping vertically
standing jump test
jump horizontally with your feet together and measure from the nearest impression
ability to exert a large amount of force in a single maximum effort
one rep max test
hand grip dynamometer
one rep max test
one repetition of weight at highest possible weight
hand grip dynamometer test
start with hand vertically up and bring down to side slowly whist pulling in the handle
reaction time
time taken to respond to a stimulus
ruler drop test
ruler drop test
hold ruler between finger and thumb
thumb needs to be in line with 0
ruler is released and measurement is taken from the highest point caught on ruler
cardiovascular endurance
ability of the heart and circulatory system to meet the demands of the body for a long period of time
multi stage fitness test
12 min Cooper run
multi stage fitness test
mark 20m distance with cones and athlete must run from cone to cone by the bleep
12 min Cooper run
complete max distance possible in 12 minutes
muscular endurance
ability to use voluntary muscles over long periods of time without fatigue
1 min sit up test
1 min press up test
1 min sit up test
athlete performs as many sit ups as possible in 1minute to test their abdominals
1 min press up test
athlete performs as many press ups as possible in 1 minute to test their biceps, deltoid and pectorals
time taken to cover a set distance
30m sprint test
30m sprint test
athlete performs straight 30m sprint from a standing start
range of movement at a joint
sit and reach test
sit and reach test
athlete needs their legs straight with feet touching the box as they lean forward and push the marker as far as possible with their hands without bending their knees
ability to change direction at speed
Illinois agility test
Illinois agility test
follow the course round all the cones
ability to retain your centre of mass over your base of support without falling
standing stork test
standing stork test
lift leg and place of side of kneecap
raise heal to stand on toes
time how long you can stand for
ability to move 2 or more body parts at the same time
alternateball toss test
alternate ball toss test
stand 2m from a wall
ball is thrown against the wall+ caught with opposite hand for 30s
3 things needed for fitness testing
quantitative data
actual values which are in turn compared to averages
qualitative data
open ended testing procedures and less structured protocols