3.4 The Connective Tissue Framework Of The Body

Cards (9)

  • What is the role of connective tissues in the body?
    • Provide internal framework
    • Connect organs within body cavities
    • Maintain positions of internal organs
    • Distribute blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves
  • What are the three types of fascia?
    • Superficial fascia (hypodermis)
    • Deep fascia
    • Subserous fascia
  • What is the function of superficial fascia?
    It separates the skin from underlying tissues and provides insulation and padding
  • How does deep fascia differ from superficial fascia?
    Deep fascia consists of dense regular connective tissue and provides a strong internal framework
  • What is the role of subserous fascia?
    It separates serous membranes from deep fascia, preventing distortion
  • What is the significance of fascia in surgical procedures?
    • Holds surgical sutures
    • Provides structural support
    • Encloses muscles, areolar, and adipose tissues
  • Identify the four types of membranes in the body and list their functions.
    • Mucous membrane forms barriers that resist entry of pathogens
    • Serous membrane consists of mesothelium supported by a thin layer of areolar connective tissue tich in blood and lymphatic vessels
    • Cutaneous membrane is the skin
    • Synovial membrane line the joint cavity
  • Give another name for the superficial fascia. What does it do?
    • Subcutaneous Layer
    • It is the hypodermis which provides insulation
  • Which later of fascia lies between the deep fascia and the serous membranes, and what is its function?
    • Subsenous fascia which lines the body cavities