descriptive statistics are the use of tables, graphs and summary statistics to analyse data
measures of central tendency refer to any measure which calculates an average value within a set of data
a measure of central tendency calculated by adding all the scores in a set of data together and dividing by the total number of scores.
A strength of the use of mean is that it makes use of all values and is good for interval data
A limitation of mean is that it is influenced by outlying data so it can be unrepresentative
a measure of central tendency where data is arranged from lowest to highest and identifying the middle score
a strength of the use of median is that it is not affected by extreme scores and it good for ordinal data
a measure of central tendency which is the most frequently occurring score in a set of data
a strength of mode is that it is useful for nominal data.
a limitation for mode is that it is not useful when there are several modes.
measures of dispersion
any measure that calculates the variation in a set of data
subtracting the lowest score from the highest score in a set of data
a strength of range is that it is easy to calculate
a limitation of the range is that it is affected by extreme values and does not use all data
standard deviation
the average spread of scores around the mean. a measure used to identify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values
a strength of standard deviation is its a precise measure where all data values are taken into account
a limitation of standard deviation is that it is difficult to calculated and is affected by extreme results.
there are various ways of representing data:
summarising data in a table
bar chart
line graph
bar chart
a graph that shows data in the form of categories that the researcher wishes to compare. The bars do not touch each other. The frequency is plotted on the y-axis and the categories are plotted on the x-axis
a strength of bar charts is that it is a way of representing data that allows for differences in data to be seen more clearly
a graph that is used for continuous data. there should be no space between the bars because the data is continuous
line graphs
represents continuous data where points are connected by lines to show the change of values.
used to show associations between covariables
normal distribution
a symmetrical arrangement of data which forms a bell shaped pattern where the mean, median and mode all fall in the centre at the highest peak
skewed distribution
an arrangement of data that is not symmetrical as data is clustered to one end of the distribution
positive skewed data
where most of the data is concentrated on the right