membrane transport

Cards (71)

  • Cell membrane is typically made out of 2 molecules namely the phospholipid and protein
  • solute - a particle that is dissolved in the solvent namely liquid, can be gas, or solid.
  • solvent - a medium in which a solute is dissolved.
  • What is the universal solvent?
  • solution - a mixture of solutes which is the dissolved particles in a solvent.
  • concentration - the density of the solvent within a solution.
  • concentration gradient - the difference in concentration of a substance between two different areas, the ICF and ECF.
  • intracellular fluid - the fluids inside the cell
  • extracellular fluid - the fluids outside the cell
  • How many percent of total body weight does the ECF contains? Both liters and percent.
    20%, 15L
  • How many percent of total body weight does the ICF contains? Both liters and percent.
    40%, 25L
  • Where can you find the intravascular fluid?
  • How many liters and percent does the intravascular fluid cover the total ECF?
    3L, 20%
  • How many liters and percent does the interstitial fluid cover the total ECF?
    12L, 80%
  • What is the fluid found between the cells?
    interstitial fluid
  • Where can you find the enzymes, glycogen, and potassium?
    in higher concentrations inside the cell
  • PISO stands for?
    potassium in = sodium out
  • Where can you find the sodium, calcium, and chloride?
    in higher concentrations outside the cell
  • Cell membrane is selectively permeable
  • diffusion - the transfer of molecules from higher concentration towards the lower concentration.
  • Example of molecules by means of diffusion are?
    Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • membrane channels - proteins that extend from one side of cell membrane to another
  • How does membrane channels determine what can go through?
    the molecule should have the size, shape, and charge
  • carrier molecules - bind to molecules, transport them across, and drop them off.
  • What is an example of molecules that use carrier molecules?
  • CHON means?
  • vesicle - can transport a variety of materials.
  • vesicle - fuse with cell membrane.
  • exostosis - when the transporter is going outside
    endocytosis - when the transporter is going inside
  • passive transport - no energy input required example is diffusion
  • active transport - movement of molecules from a low concentration to a high concentration through a membrane. Energy is required to move molecules.
  • Passive processes includes?
    diffusion, osmosis, and filtration
  • diffusion - the movement of solute molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
  • What type of diffusion that passes through lipid bilayer? Examples are oxygen, carbon dioxide, fatty acids, steroids, vitamin A, D, E, K
    simple diffusion
  • What type of diffusion that passes through membrane channels?
  • Ion channels carry what element?

    potassium, sodium, calcium, and chlorine
  • osmosis - a special type of diffusion that is the movement of the lower water concentration to the higher water concentration.
  • osmosis - movement of water because of the different number of solute that is present inside and outside the membrane.
  • osmotic pressure - the greater the concentration of a solution, the greater is its osmotic pressure and the greater the tendency for water to move into the solution.
  • osmotic pressure - refers to how hard the water would push through the barrier.