Cards (15)

  • interphase - longer phase of cell cycle
  • interphase - with high metabolic activity and the DNA replication happens.
  • prophase - the time where the chromosomes condense and the nuclear envelope breaks down
  • interphase - the time of the growth and development of the cells where organelles are being developed.
  • interphase generally last at least 12 to 24 hours in mammalian tissues.
  • What are the stages in interphase?
    G1, S, G2
  • How many chromatids are in chromosomes?
    2 chromatid
  • What is in the middle of chromosomes that joints the two chromatids?
  • What stage of cell cycle when the centrioles move towards the opposite ends and the spindle fibers extend between the centriole pairs.
  • metaphase - the chromatids alignment along the equator of the cell, called the equatorial plane
  • What is the shortest phase of mitosis?
  • anaphase - chromosomes are separated by a structure called a mitotic spindle
  • telophase - wherein the chromosomal movement stops and nuclear envelopes and the nucleoli form.
  • cytokinesis - the division of the cell's cytoplasm and organelles. Formation of cleavage furrow.
  • kinetochore - this is where the microtubules hook itself to align the chromosome