Interactionist Approach

Cards (16)

  • acknowledges biological, psychological and social factors in the development of schizophrenia
    interactionist approach
  • diathesis stress model
    • states that a vulnerability and stress trigger are needed to develop the condition.
    • maybe one or more factors of vulnerability but the onset is triggered by stress
  • meehl's model (1962)

    original model argued the vulnerability was purely genetic and result of a schizogene. If the person doesn't have the gene then no amount of stress can trigger the illness
  • modern understanding of diathesis stress model
    • clear that there may be a genetic vulnerability for developing schizophrenia but there isnt a single schizogene
    • modern views include other factors such as psychological trauma
    • trauma becomes the diathesis rather than stressor
  • read (2011)

    • proposed a neurodevelopment model in which early trauma alters the development of the brain
    • this can be early child abuse
    • the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal system can become over active making a person much more vulnerable to stress later on
  • cannabis
    • triggering an episode of schizophrenia as it becomes the stressor
    • can increase risk by up to 7x as it interferes with the dopamine system
  • not everyone who smokes cannabis develops schizophrenia so there must be more than one vulnerability factor
  • support for the role of vulnerability and triggers
    tienari (2004)
    • investigated combination of genetic vulnerability and parenting style (children adopted from Finnish mothers w/ schizophrenia)
    • Adoptive parents addressed the child rearing style characterised by high levels of criticism and conflict increased risk of developing schizophrenia
    • BUT only children with a genetic vulnerability
  • support for combining treatments
    • patients seem to fare much better when you combine treatments
    • you have to adopt an interactionist approach if you want to combine treatments
  • original diathesis stress model is oversimplified(weakness)
    • there are multiple genes that leave someone vulnerable to developing schizophrenia
    • stress comes in different forms not just dysfunctional parenting
  • we dont actually know how the diathesis stress model works(weakness)

    • we don't fully know how the mechanisms by which symptoms of schizophrenia appear ad how both vulnerability and stress produce them
  • the treatment-causation fallacy (weakness)
    • combination of treatment makes a logical fit but it doesnt mean the interactionist approach is correct
    • doesnt mean theres a biological cause, could be environmental
  • treating schizophrenia
    acknowledges both biological and psychological factors

    -uses antipsychotic drugs combined with CBT
  • in britain
    its common to use both forms of treatment and have more freely adopted an interactionist approach
  • in america
    more conflict between biological and psychological models
    • slower rate in adopting interactionist approach
    • drugs are used more without CBT
    • unusual to treat schizophrenia without medication; less success rate on their own (30%)
  • support for combining treatments: tarrier (2004)

    215 patients allocated to conditions:
    1. medication + supportive counselling
    2. medication + CBT
    3. control group (medication on its own)
    1 & 2 showed lower levels of symptoms. shows advantage to adopting an interactionist approach