cell anatomy

Cards (63)

  • What is the basic unit of life?
  • What is the highly organized unit containing organelles called?
  • unicellular cells - these are the cells that can live on its own like amoeba
  • multicellular cells - these are the cells that works with other cells.
  • What is the smallest structure capable of performing all the activities vital to life?
  • Cells can be visible examples of this are?
    yolk of an egg and nervous cell
  • What are the major parts of the cell?
    cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus
  • What part of the cell separates the interior of the cell to the external/outside?
    cell membrane
  • Cell membrane is a semi-permeable membrane.
  • Cell membrane is a selectively permeable barrier that controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell.
  • phospholipids - contains phosphorus and form a double layer of molecules.
  • What is the layer of the phospholipid that is water loving?
  • What is the layer of the phospholipid that is water fearing?
  • cholesterol - a waxy fat carried through the bloodstream by lipoproteins and gives added strength and stability by limiting the movement of phospholipids.
  • What is the definition of the LDL and HDL?
    low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein
  • The liver makes up to how many percent cholesterol?
  • protein - floats among the phospholipid molecules and extend from the inner to outer surface of the cell membrane.
  • What is the lipid with a carbohydrate and acts as surface receptor and stabilizes the membrane? This is common in brain cells and nerves.
  • What type of protein is it when it completely penetrate or extend into the lipid bilayer?
    integral proteins
  • What type of protein is loosely attached to the exterior surface of the membrane?
    peripheral proteins
  • Peripheral proteins can sit in top of an integral proteins.
  • What protein acts up as enzymes to speed up reactions or attach to the cytoskeleton structures to help with the cell shape?
    peripheral protein
  • What protein allows only one type of ion to pass through?
    ion channels
  • What protein does transport specific substances where they are going to bind and transport solute across the membrane by change shape?
    carrier proteins
  • Carrier proteins are also known as what?
  • What protein attach themselves to a specific chemical signal and are sensitive to specific extracellular materials that bind to them and trigger a change in a cell's activity?
  • What protein distinguishes your cells from anyone else's?
    cell identity marker
  • cell identity marker aka as what?
  • What part of the cell is a jelly-like substance within the cell membrane?
  • This is the thick solution composed of water, salt, inorganic salts, and other substances of molecules.
  • This is the fluid portion of the cell.
  • Cytosol constitutes about how many percent of total cell volume?
  • What part of the cell consists of protein structure that supports the cell and hold organelles in place?
  • What component of cytoskeleton is responsible for cell organelles movement?
  • What component of cytoskeleton is the key in change cell shape?
  • intermediate filaments - makes them a great anchor for the organelles that don't move around like the nuclear.
  • What is the largest component of cytoskeleton?
  • Microtubules are composed of what?
    alpha tubulin and beta tubulin
  • What is the center of microtubule formation?
  • What is the small, cylindrical organelle composed of triplets which contains of 3 parallel microtubules joined together?