You are studying the development of a fetus. You notice that in this sample, the spinal cord is not properly created but that the brain seems fine. What do you think happened?
Differentiation of the mesoderm in the pre-embryonic period failed.
Differentiation of the endoderm in the embryonic period failed.
Organogenesis in the pre-embryonic period failed.
Organogenesis in the embryonic period failed.
None of these answers are correct.
Answer: Organogenesis in the embryonic period failed.
Why: You can see that the nervous tissue formed, which means that differentiation worked and that the ectoderm was made properly. The mesoderm and endoderm do not make nervous tissue. However, the organ of the spinal cord was not formed but the brain was. This tells you this problem was in organogenesis, which begins taking place during the embryonic period.
In which type of tissue will you find a chondrocyte?
Mature bone
Hyaline cartilage
Answer: Hyaline cartilage
Why: This question does not require any analysis, only the knowledge that cartilage cells are named chondrocytes.
Both spongy bone and compact bone
Arrange their matrix in concentric lamellae
Are derived from cells in the endoderm
Are found on the external surface of bone
Can be created through endochondral ossification
Are full of elastic fibers
Answer: Can be created through endochondral ossification
Why: You need to understand how bone is created, and what is made through each process. Only compact bone has concentric lamellae, and it is external.Spongy bone is not external. Bone, a connective tissue, is not created from the endoderm.
Which of the following is NOT a type of proper connective tissue? Reticular
Dense regular
All of these options are proper connective tissue
Answer: All of these options are proper connective tissue
Why: You need to know how connective tissues are organized, but nothing else about their structure and function.