Stress testing

Cards (37)

  • What is the purpose of a stress test?
    To evaluate and manage patients with known or suspected heart disease
  • What is the main objective of a stress test?
    To measure the ability of the heart to respond to stress
  • What is another name for a stress test?
    Treadmill test or exercise test
  • What does the ST segment represent in an ECG?
    The interval between ventricular depolarization and repolarization
  • How does a stress test work?
    It increases the heart rate, checks blood pressure, and measures blood flow through coronary arteries
  • What do coronary arteries supply blood to?
    The heart
  • What are some reasons patients may be subjected to a stress test?
    Irregular heartbeat, symptoms related to the heart, and suspected narrow arteries
  • What should patients inform their doctor about before a stress test?
    Any medicines they take
  • What does NPO mean in the context of stress test preparation?
    No food or drink for a specified period
  • How long should patients avoid smoking before a stress test?
    1. 2 days or 2-4 hours before the procedure
  • What should patients wear for a stress test?
    Comfortable clothes and shoes
  • How long does a typical stress test last?
    Usually lasts for 1 hour
  • What are the signs and symptoms that indicate a patient should stop the stress test?
    Moderate to severe chest pain, severe shortness of breath, and abnormal heart rhythm
  • What should patients do after the stress test?
    Stand still for several seconds and then lie down for a period of time
  • What are contraindications for taking a stress test?
    Acute myocardial infarction within 2 to 3 days and unstable angina
  • What is a positive stress test an indicator of?
    Advanced coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • What is a coronary angiogram?

    An additional test that detects blockage and narrowed blood vessels in the heart
  • What is the most commonly used type of stress test?
    Exercise stress test
  • What is the formula for calculating the maximal predicted heart rate (MPHR)?
    MPHR=MPHR =220age 220 - \text{age}
  • What is the purpose of a nuclear stress test?

    To assess patients who are unable to exercise adequately
  • What radioactive tracer is typically used in a nuclear stress test?
    Technetium-99 (Tc-99)
  • What is the difference between Tc-99 and Tc-99m?
    Tc-99m is a short-lived form of Tc-99
  • What are some drugs used to induce transient physiological cardiac stress?
    Adenosine, Dipyridamole, and Dobutamine
  • What is the weight capacity of a treadmill used for stress testing?
    157.5 kg (350 lbs)
  • What is the maximum speed of a treadmill used for stress testing?
    12.8 km/h (8 mph)
  • What is the purpose of a bicycle ergometer in stress testing?
    It serves as an alternative to treadmill testing for patients with limitations
  • What is the recommended method for blood pressure measurement during a stress test?
    Manual auscultation
  • Why is a mercury manometer recommended over an aneroid manometer?
    It is more accurate and easier to maintain and calibrate
  • What are the main types of stress tests?
    • Exercise Stress Test
    • Nuclear Stress Test
    • Pharmacologic Stress Test
  • What are the risks and precautions associated with stress tests?
    • Very little risk for treadmill stress test
    • Medical professionals on-site for unusual situations
    • Rare allergic reaction to radioactive tracer
    • Expect fatigue from exercise, but no significant side effects
    • Report any unusual symptoms to a doctor
  • What are the patient preparation steps before a stress test?
    • Inform doctor about medications
    • NPO for 2-4 hours
    • Avoid smoking for 1-2 days or 2-4 hours before
    • Avoid unusual physical exertion
    • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
    • Do not apply oil, lotion, or cream for nuclear stress test
  • What should patients do during the stress test?
    • No eating or drinking until both parts are completed
    • Follow medical professionals' instructions
    • Stop the test if too uncomfortable
  • What are the contraindications for taking a stress test?
    • Acute myocardial infarction within 2-3 days
    • Unstable angina not stabilized by therapy
    • Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias
    • Symptomatic severe aortic stenosis
    • Uncontrolled symptomatic heart failure
    • Acute pulmonary embolus or infarction
    • Severe pulmonary hypertension
    • Acute myocarditis, pericarditis, or endocarditis
    • Acute aortic dissection
    • High-grade AV blocks
    • SBP > 200 mmHg or DBP > 110 mmHg
    • Extreme obesity or physical/mental impairment
    • Patient unable to walk or sit up
  • What are the components of the treadmill used for stress testing?
    • Electrically driven with padded front and side rails
    • Emergency stop button
    • Weight capacity: 157.5 kg (350 lbs)
    • Speed range: 1.6 km/h (1 mph) to 12.8 km/h (8 mph)
    • Elevation: 0% to 20%
    • Dimensions: Length 127 cm (50 in), Width 40.64 cm (16 in)
  • What are the features of a bicycle ergometer used in stress testing?
    • Alternative to treadmill testing
    • Less expensive and portable
    • Adjustable resistance and cycling rate
    • Maximum oxygen uptake: 5-20% lower than treadmill
    • Mechanically and electrically braked options available
  • What is the role of an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine in stress testing?

    • Continuous monitoring of heart rhythm
    • Evaluation of ischemic ECG changes during exercise and recovery
    • Produces 12-lead hard copy
  • What is the importance of blood pressure equipment during a stress test?
    • Manual auscultation is the most feasible method
    • Automated units may perform erratically at high intensities
    • Mercury manometer is recommended for accuracy