psychodynamic ao3

Cards (3)

  • This theory is culturally biassed
    Sue and sue argue it Has little value for those from non western cultures 
    Western cultures value insight and talking therapies
    And psychoanalysts believe in giving the individual a chance to free and deal with the trauma in the unconscious mind
    In china people prefer to avoid thoughts which cause distress rather than discuss them openly, therefore it lacks population validity  
    • because of idiographic nature of his studies these cultural differences were mostly ignored Hans was amiddle class European boy
    • gender biased 
    • Predominantly his research is around men- for this theory his main research was on a  boy - little hans 
    • which lacks populational validity as it cannot be successfully applied to the whole population - eg. adult women who have very different characteristics.
    • It is beta biassed as freud  had little knowledge about female sexuality  and seemed ignorant to how this differs from male sexualitiy , minimising gender differences 
    • idio
    • many psychologists criticised his work and views about women,
    • this is problematic as he treated female patients and his theories are still so influential
    • Many claims of psychoanalysis have been tested and confirmed using scientific methodology 
    • Fisher and Greenberg 
    • Summarised 2500 of these and Concluded that studies of psychoanalysis compared well with studies relevant to other major areas of psychology
    • This approach is based on concepts that are not directly observable, or testable.
    • This means that there is no way to scientifically verify any findings, and therefore it is impossible to establish cause and effect links.
    • For example, Freud's concepts of the Id, Ego, and Superego cannot be directly observed as they are within our minds.