• Refer to written text, print or something other way of writing for important word, graph, or even pictures that provide support and facilitate understanding of text.
•it is usually in graphical outline or images that gives a general idea about a certain topic
How was the visual help thethe student?
It helps the student to understand and comprehend story, subject, or topic. This will make easy for student to memorize, remember, learnimportantword easily and quickly
Type of visual aids:
Graphic organizer
Non-linear illustration
Graphic Organizer- also known as textfeature are visual display of key content information. These help to clearly visualitize how the information is organize
What are the graphic organizer:
Venn Diagram
Concept Map
Cause and effect
Spider map
Timeline event
Venn Diagram- A compromise of 2 overlapping circle. Used to identify the similarity and differences of 2 or more concept
Concept map- A Diagram that depict suggested relation between concept. It provides student to organizeconceptionalconceptionalinformation in the process of defining the word: generalorganizer that show central idea and it's corresponding characteristics
Flowchart/sequence chart- A picture of seperatesteps of process in a sequentialorder: shows a series of steps or event in which they take place
Cause and effect- also known as isshikawa or fishbone Diagram. It shows the connection of cause and result
Spidermap- also called semantic map. A graphic organizer used to envistigate and enumeratevariousaspect of a singletopic. It help the student to organized their thought
Timelineevent- a list in a linearformat in a order that each event occurred. It help the student to understand when event in the main body occured relative to each other
Non-linear illustration-explanation or description by the use of word. It includes writing with visual, Diagram, infographic
Pie chart-circularchart that cut into parts to showshow how much of a whole is divided into parts and display information or data in an easy to read "Pie-Slice" Format with vary slices and sizes telling you how much of onedata elements exist
Bar Graph- A common type of chart that present data in a rectangular bar that differ in sizes andand height to show comparison of categories of information
LineGraph- common type of a chart that present data in datapoints that connect with straight line segment to show trends. It is used to show how the numericaldata have changed over time
Table- is an arrangement of information in rows or column including cells to make it easier to compare and contrast
Pictograph- pictorial representation of data using images, icon, symbom
Title- refer to the name of text. It is placed at the beginning of text. This tells the entire text partially the main idea or title. It activate your background knowledge and gives you an idea of what is the the topic about