The inner region of a kidney is called the medulla
The centre of a kidney is called the pelvis
Label this longitudinal section.
The pelvis leads into the ureter
The outermost layer of the kidneys is called the capsule
Define Nephrons:
The functional unit of the kidney in the form of tiny tubules
Each kidney contains approx. one million nephrons which starts in the cortex at a cup-shaped structure called the Bowman's capsule
The renal artery splits to form lots of arterioles arranged in a knot of capillaries called the glomerulus
Blood enters the glomerulus through...
afferent arteriole
Blood leaves the glomerulus through the...
efferent arteriole
Each glomerulus is surrounded by the Bowman's capsule
Label this diagram:
afferent arteriole
lumen of Bowman's capsule
cells of proximal convoluted tubule
epithelium of Bowman's capsule
efferent arteriole
In the Bowman's capsule, what are the pores between the endothelial cells called?
What does the basement membrane consist of?
collagen fibres
What is the role of the basement membrane in the Bowman's capsule?
to act as a filter preventing large molecules from passing through
Define Ultrafiltration:
The filtration of the blood at a molecular level under pressure
Blood plasma containing dissolved substances is pushed under high hydrostatic pressure from the capillary of the glomerulus into the lumen of the Bowman's capsule.
Blood plasma contains:
amino acids
inorganic mineral ions
Name three examples of inorganic mineral ions in blood plasma.
The Loop of Henle consists of the...
descending limb
ascending limb
The arrangement of the loop of Henle is known as what?
A hairpin countercurrent multipier system
The Bowman's Capsule leads into the rest of the tubule which has three parts:
Proximal convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle
Distal convoluted tubule
Suggest why the proximal and distal tubules are convoluted
it makes the tubules longer so there is a larger total surface area for selective reabsorption
Explain why reabsorption from the nephron must be selective.
all useful substances must be removed from the fluid in the nephron
all metabolic wastes should remain in the fluid so that they can be excreted as urine
Why is it essential that most of the water is reabsorbed from urine?
A large volume of blood passes through the kidney
If the water in it is all lost in urine, the body will dehydrate very quickly
A terrestrial animal cannot find and drink enough water to replace all the water that passes through the kidney
Is glucose normally found in urine?
Are mineral ions normally found in urine?
Blood has a very low water potential
Most minerals and some water of the fluid is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule
Why is most of the fluid reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule?
it has a highly folded surface
increasing the surface area
What causes the water potential to decrease at the descending limb?
water diffuse out via osmosis
mineral ions diffuse in
Where does ultrafiltration occur?
The Bowman's capsule
Where is glucose reabsorbed?
the proximal convoluted tubule
What is the role of heparin in haemodialysis?
to prevent blood clotting
Name the two types of renal dialysis:
Peritoneal dialysis
What property of the hormone hCG allows it to be detected in urine?
it has a relative molecular mass of less than 69 000
so it can pass out of the capillaries
Outline what happens when the hypothalamus secretes antidiuretic hormone (ADH) into the blood?
ADH bind to their receptors on the collecting duct
more vesicles containing aquaporins are inserted into the cell surface membranes of the collecting duct
allows more water to be reabsorbed
a smaller volume of urine will be produced
the urine has a lower water potential (less dilute)