cash is the money a business has that is readily available to spend on day to day expenses
made up of:
notes and coin found in the cash boxes and tills
Money in bank accounts
Profit is the money left over after all costs are paid
Cash flow is the flow of money into and out of a business
A cash flow forecast is a prediction of the flow of money into and out of a business over a future period of time
opening bank balance - the cash available to the business at the start of a month carried over from the closing balance of the previous month
closing bank balance - this is the mount of money a business has in the bank at the end of the period or time
Revenue - the money made from selling a product
Break even - A business can only make a profit when its sales revenue are greater than its costs. If revenue is les s than costs then the firm will make a loss.
Market - a place where buyers and sellers trade/exchange goods and service with each other
A customer - purchase and pays for a product or service e.g the customer is the supermarket to whom it supplies
A consumer - is the ultimate user of the product or service e.g the consumer is the individual who eats the meal
Mass market - a market where a business targets its advertising and promotional spending at the whole market, not at a particular segment e.g walkers crisps
niche market - a smaller segment of a larger market where customers have more specific needs and wants
Variable cost are the costs that vary directly with business levels of output
Fixed costs are costs that do not vary when a business changes its output