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  • Who was Wheilhem Wundt?

    a German physician, established the first labrartoy dedicated to the study of the human mind, marking the emergence of psychology as a separate scientific discipline.
  • What was Wundt contribution of psychology?

    He separated psychology from philosophy and biology.
  • What is introspection?

    The examination or observation of ones own mental and emotional process.
  • What is meant by scientific method?
    A method of procedure that has characterised natural science.
  • Objectivity
    The quality of being an object
  • Reliability
    The quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well.
  • Systematic
    Done or acting accordingly to a fixed plan or system: methodical
  • Theory construction
    process of formulating and assembling components of theories into coherent wholes.
  • Peer review
    System used to access the quality of a manuscript before it is published.
  • Falsifiable
    is an import feature of science. Its the principle that a proposition or theory could be considered scientific if in principle it was possible to establish it as false. (only scientific when proved false)
  • Standardised
    instructions and conditions are the same
  • what happened in 1878?
    Wundt opens the first psychology lab
  • What happened in the early 1900s?

    Freud publishes work on dream analysis.
  • What happened in the 1950s?
    Behaviourism develops, studying of stimulus response
  • What happened in the 1960s-90s?
    Cognitive psychology develops, studying internal mental process.
  • What happened in the 1960s?
    Social learning theory develops as a 'newer' behaviourist approach
  • What happened in the later 20th century?

    The rise of biological research related to human behaviour.
  • What did behaviourism reject?
  • What are the four scientific methods?
    Replicability, systematic, objectivity, theory construction