What type of individualism do classical liberals support?
Egotistical individualism
What is egotistical individualism tied with?
Concept of negative liberty and a minimal state
Egotistical individualism believes that the best way to achieve a better society is by letting individuals follow their own interests with little government interference. It argues that people naturally follow their own interests and happiness
What do key thinkers like Locke argue about this egotistical liberalism?
When people are left to pursue their self interest, guided by rational thinking, it ultimately benefits everyone in society
Rationalism ensures that the pursuit of one's own interests doesn't harm others or lead to significant conflict. Instead, it would lead to rational consensus and agreement between individuals
Individuals are the best judge of their own interests and when they do, it not only fosters personal responsibility but also stimulates innovation, economic development and societal progress
What do classical liberals argue for due to egotistical individualism?
Policies that reduce government control over economic and personal life. It advocates for free markets, property rights and limited government intervention. They argue that these create an environment where individual initiative and enterprise can thrive
This also creates a natural societal order where issues are resolved through the free actions of individuals rather than through government mandates