Experiment 1 - Flame Test of Metal Cations

Cards (16)

  • sir Isaac Newton showed that sunlight is a mixture of different kinds of light
  • when a ray of light is passed through a prism, it separated into a rainbow of colors called continuous spectrum
  • since each color corresponds to a given wavelength, this indicated that sunlight consists of light of all wavelengths
  • lights of very short (ultraviolet) and very long (infrared) wavelengths are invisible to the human eye but can be detected and recorded by instruments
  • each wavelength corresponds to a particular amount of energy
  • heating an element to a high temperature raises some of its atoms to high-energy states
  • when a compound is heated enough to decompose it, electrons in the metal atoms are raised to high-energy states
  • electron in ground state to excited state - heat in
  • electron in excited state to ground state - light out
  • electrons in high-energy state - excited state
  • electrons with low energy - ground state
  • atoms in excited state may have one or more of its electrons at a greater average distance from the nucleus than in the ground state
  • atoms in higher-energy levels or in excited state are unstable
  • short wavelength - ultraviolet
  • long wavelength - infrared
  • lights of two different wavelengths or color correspond to two different energies