Med 1700 - 1900

Cards (137)

  • Causes: ideas that were not believed
    the four humours
  • Causes: ideas that stayed the same
  • causes: change
    spontaneous generation
    germ theory: 1861 Louis Pasteur
  • Why was Louis Pasteur significant
    Germ theory challenged spontaneous generation
    proved microbes in the air caused disease
    he killed microbes by pasteurisation
    Henry Bastian rejected
    little impact in the short term
  • Who rejected germ theory 1861
    Doctors such as Henry bastian
  • Pasteurs germ theory in the short term
    Had little to no impact, it took a long time to convince people
  • Pasteurs germ theory in the long term
    Was a significant turning point in medicine clearly identifying the cause of disease being germs and bacteria
  • Robert koch
    Developed Pasteurs germ theory
    1876-discovered bacteria causing anthrax
    1882-bacteria causing tuberculosis
    1883-bacteria causing cholera
    agar jelly in a petri dish to grow pure cultures of bacteria
    chemical dye to stain bacteria so it could be easily seen under a microscope
    kochs methods inspired other scientists to discover causes of tetanus and pneumonia
  • Robert kochs work 

    Significant breakthrough in further understanding the causes of disease
  • What were some issues with surgery at the start of the 1700s?
    Blood loss, shock, pain, and infection
  • Why was surgery performed in dirty conditions during the 1700s?
    Because there was a lack of sterilisation of equipment
  • What substances were used as anaesthetics before 1800?
    Opium and alcohol
  • When was ether discovered as the first anaesthetic?

    In 1846
  • What were the drawbacks of using ether as an anaesthetic?
    It was flammable and irritated the lungs
  • Who discovered chloroform and in what year?
    James Simpson in 1847
  • How did Queen Victoria influence the use of chloroform?
    She promoted its use after the birth of her son in 1853
  • What impact did chloroform have on surgical procedures?
    It allowed surgeons to perform deeper and more complex surgeries
  • When was the first heart surgery performed?
    In 1896
  • Chloroform disadvantages
    1850-1870 many overdoses
    known as the black period of surgery
    1848- Hannah greener died having toenail removed
    anaesthetics meant surgery was painfree
    chloroform did not resolve blood loss or infection
  • 1850-1870 in surgery known as 

    The black period of surgery
  • what was pasteurisation
    Louis Pasteur killed microbes by heating milk and beer
  • What did Louis Pasteur prove

    Microbes in the air cause disease
  • How much impact did Louis Pasteur have?

    Little impact in the short term
  • Edward Jenner
    1790s- infected people with cowpox
    1790- infected people with cowpox
    1798- Royal Society refused to publish
    1802-royal jenerian society For vaccination
    1804- 12000 people vaccinated
    1837-smallpox epidemic killed 35,000
    1840-gov bans inoculation
    1840-pays for children’s vaccinations
    1852- vaccination compulsory
    1979-smallpox eradicated
  • why people opposed the smallpox vaccination
    Wrong for humans to have animal disease
    Against gods plan
    Doctors who inoculated lost money over free vaccinations
  • what did Edward Jenner do
    noticed cowmaids with cowpox didn’t get smallpox, made vaccination
  • Public health
    Overcrowded, no running water, shared toilets, limited sewage
    -living conditions led to outbreaks of diseases
    -1842, Edwin Chadwick produced a report on living conditions
  • life expectancy
    was 38 but 15 in Liverpool
  • what did the government believe in
    laizzez faire meaning they were reluctant to make a change
  • what did Edwin Chadwick suggest
    suggested that the government improve
  • The 1848 public health act stated
    Government force town councils to improve water and sewage systems
    Collect taxes for improvements
    Medical officers to inspect conditions
  • Why did public health improve after 1848
    Pasteurs germ theory was published 1861
    1867-working class men receive the right to vote for an mp in parliament
  • what did men gaining the right to vote mean
    meant that politicians wanted to Appeal to the working class men by improving public health
    led to the 1875 public health act passed
  • 1854 and 1866-67 cholera epidemics
    killed thousands
  • great stink of 1858
    meant the river Thames smelt bad because of the sewage
    meant 1300 miles of sewers were built
  • significance of the 1875 public health act
    authorities had to provide-
    clean water to stop diseases spreading
    • sewers to dispose waste
    • public toilets
    • street lighting
    • public parks for exercise
  • public health inspectors have to inspect-1875
    lodging houses
    building of new homes
    food quality
  • public health started to improve after the 1875 public health act
  • how did people try and prevent cholera
    Burnt tar in the streets to drive away miasma
    Streets cleaned
    People employed to keep the streets clean
  • john snow
    1849- theorised that cholera was caused by contaminated water
    1854- plotted outbreaks on a map
    -broad street pump- closest to most
    Removed the handle
    Stopped immediately
    -found that a cesspit was leaking into the water supply
    -proved his link but couldn’t explain it
    1855- snow presented the the government
    -recommended to build sewers
    Many rejected due to lack of scientific proof
    Board of health still blamed miasma