Chapter 5 (Spatial distribution of tropical rainforests...)

Cards (37)

  • Natural vegetation
    • Refers to the plant life which covers particular parts of the world's land areas and develops without human interference
    • Several different types of natural vegetation exists
    • Each of them can only be found in certain parts of the world
    • This is due to the climate of given location that will determine the type of natural vegetation
  • Global distribution of tropical rainforsts
    Distribution refer to the way something is spread out or arranged over geographic area
  • Tropical climate
    Climate : average weather conditions of a place over long periods of time, more than 30 years
    Tropical climate : Experienced areas within the tropics
  • Climo graph
    The bar graph portion : the rainfall
    The line graph portion : the temperature
  • What type of forests are tropical rainforests characterized as?
    Thick and luxuriant evergreen forests
  • In what type of climate are tropical rainforests found?
    In areas with high temperature and rainfall all year round
  • Why do tropical rainforests offer a wide diversity of flora and fauna?
    Because the high temperature and high rainfall encourage living things to thrive
  • What is the majority type of plants found in tropical rainforests?
    Evergreen plants
  • How do evergreen plants in tropical rainforests maintain their appearance?
    They continuously grow new leaves to replace old ones
  • How do the leaf-shedding habits of tropical rainforest trees differ from those of temperate deciduous forest trees?
    Tropical rainforest trees do not shed all their leaves at particular times of the year, while temperate trees shed leaves before winter
  • What do temperate deciduous forests do to conserve water?
    They shed leaves before the winter season
  • What do favorable climatic conditions in tropical rainforests allow for?
    They allow for a very large variety of plant species
  • What is the height of the emergent layer in a plant structure?
    Above 30 meters
  • How tall can the tallest trees in the emergent layer grow?
    30 meters or more
  • Why does the emergent layer receive the most sunlight?
    Because it is above the other layers of the forest
  • What forms the crowns in the emergent layer?
    Crowns form the emergent layer
  • Name two examples of trees found in the emergent layer.
    Tualang tree and Kapok tree (cotton tree)
  • What is the height range of the canopy layer in a plant structure?
    20-30 meters
  • How do trees in the canopy layer grow in relation to one another?
    They grow very close to one another
  • What happens to the crowns of trees in the canopy layer?
    Crowns interlock to form a thick and near continuous mass of branches and leaves
  • What percentage of sunlight does the canopy cover block from reaching the forest floor?
  • What is the height range of the undergrowth layer in a plant structure?
    0-20 meters
  • Why is the undergrowth layer dark?
    Because most of the sun's rays are blocked by the canopy
  • How much sunlight is able to reach the undergrowth layer?
    Very little sunlight is able to reach this layer
  • What type of plants can grow in the undergrowth layer?
    Smaller plants that are able to grow in shade
  • What is the vegetation like in the undergrowth layer?
    The amount of vegetation is sparse
  • When can certain species of undergrowth plants grow upwards very fast?
    When there is a gap in the canopy, like near rivers or when a canopy tree has fallen
  • How does the structure of the emergent layer differ from the undergrowth layer?
    The emergent layer is above 30 meters and receives the most sunlight, while the undergrowth layer is 0-20 meters and is dark with sparse vegetation
  • What is the main reason tropical rainforest plants develop special adaptations?
    To cope with intense competition for sunlight and rainfall
  • What are some adaptations of plants in tropical rainforests?
    • Broad leaves
    • Waxy leaves
    • Drip tip leaves
    • Buttress roots
    • Shallow roots
  • How do broad leaves benefit tropical rainforest plants?
    They enable plants to absorb as much sunlight as possible for food production
  • What is the function of the waxy surface on leaves in tropical rainforest plants?
    It reduces water vapor loss through transpiration and helps rainwater run off quickly
  • What are drip tip leaves and their purpose?
    They are leaves with small narrow tips that allow rainwater to flow off easily to prevent fungal and bacterial growth
  • What is the purpose of buttress roots in tropical rainforest trees?
    To support tall trees and prevent them from toppling over
  • How high can buttress roots grow above the ground surface?
    Up to 5 meters
  • Why do tropical rainforest plants have shallow roots?
    To absorb nutrients concentrated in the topmost layer of soil and to absorb rainwater
  • What do shallow roots help tropical rainforest plants absorb from the environment?
    Nutrients and rainwater