minority influence is when the minority group changes the attitudes and behaviour of the majority
there are three stages of conversion
conflict - saying things and taking action in order to get people to pay attention
understanding - when the minority has the attention of the majority, the majority will try to understand the minority's viewpoint, behaviours and attitudes
validity - if the minority seems valid, the majority are persuaded by the minority
in the end, the majority will internalise the attitudes of the minority and become converted
conversion is a form of internalisation
there are three steps to strengthening minority influence
consistency - for example, the suffragettes had a consistent message. all members agreed on the message and it didnt change over time or context. the more that they repeated it, the more the majority listened.
commitment - for example, the suffragettes thought their cause was more important than their lives and the law. they were willing to die and go to prison for what they believed in
flexibility - they took what they were given. they discussed with people who disagreed with them. they built on what they had
social change is when there is a change in what is considered the norm
the number of people who agree with this minority grows until it becomes the majority. this is called the snowball effect
social cryptomnesia is when people forget where these new social norms and attitudes come from
members of a majority internalise the beliefs and views of a consistent minority
the minority may seem wrong as they dont match the norm
but being consistent shows commitment to the cause and unwillingness to compromise
creates conflict - validation process
if theres no reason to dismiss the minority, then you begin to see things from their view
social impact theory by Latane and Wolf
argued that social influence occurs due to the combined effect of
this theory says that minority and majority influence happen in the same way (opposing moscovci's conversion theory)
a meta analysis of social impact theory studies found that a lot of studies relied on self-report
it was then argued that support for social impact theory could actually be a result of demand characteristics
minorities can become the majority through the snowball effect
needs the public to go from private acceptance to public expression
may happen due to social cryptoamnesia
social cryptoamnesia is when the public changes from private acceptance to public expression
until their view is accepted as the norm
but people forget where the view originally came from