Previous research results varied - offspring of both parents with schizophrenia ranged between 28% - 58% risk and ranged between 22% - 80% for manicdepressive disorder
Gottesman proposed studies of outcome of parents with homotypic disorders and suggested there may be an overlap between phenotypes of bipolar and schizophrenia
Previous research where both parents have disorder gave small samples and lack generalisability
What is the aim?
To investigate the importance of genetic influence on offspring where both parents have a psychiatric disorder
To build upon previous research and attempted to have a larger sample size by using reported diagnoses from Danish Central Psychiatric Register
What was the method?
National cohort study in Denmark
Secondary data
What was the sample?
2.7 million people in Denmark alive in 1968-1997 with an identifiable mother and father from the Civil registration system
Restricted to people who were 10 or over before 2007
What was the procedure?
People diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar, unipolar depressive disorder were identified from the PsychiatricCentral Register through groups of parents who were admitted into a psychiatric facility from 1970-2007
Calculated incidence when both parents were admitted
Calculated incidence when only 1 parent admitted
Calculated incidence when neither parent was admitted
Calculated when 1 parent admitted for schizophrenia and the other bipolar
Parents and children mutually exclusive because they have been admitted more than once for different reasons
What are evaluations of the procedure?
ICD 8 – 10 to diagnose (less reliable as different versions as less consistent)
Ethical as confidential and not identifiable
Did not need informedconsent as on register
What were the findings and conclusions?
If both parents have schizophrenia or bipolar there is an increased risk of offspring getting a psychiatric diagnosis
Higher chance of offspring getting a psychiatric diagnosis if both parents have schizophrenia instead of both parents having bipolar
Provides evidence for genetic overlap between schizophrenia and bipolar because if heritability of one increases it also increased for other disorders suggesting shared genetic factor