
Cards (21)

  • What is the place of worship for Buddhists called?
    A temple or vihara
  • Do Buddhists believe that the Buddha is a god?
    No, they do not believe that the Buddha was a god
  • What is a vihara?
    A vihara is both a temple and monastery
  • What is the purpose of a monastery?
    A monastery is a place where monks live
  • What is a monk?
    A monk is a member of a group of religious men who do not marry and usually live together in a monastery
  • What is the custom regarding shoes and hats when entering a Buddhist temple?
    Shoes and hats are normally removed
  • What can a Buddhist temple contain?
    A Buddhist temple can contain a number of different shrines
  • What is a stupa?
    A stupa is a temple or shrine that contains a relic of the Buddha or a holy person
  • What is a relic?
    A relic is part of a deceased holy person's body or belongings
  • What does the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka hold?
    A tooth belonging to the Buddha
  • Why are statues of the Buddha present in temples?
    They help people to concentrate on their chanting or meditation
  • How do people show respect to the Buddha?
    By making offerings such as flowers, candles, and incense
  • What do the offerings of flowers, candles, and incense remind Buddhists of?
    That everything is temporary
  • What does Buddhism teach about attachment to things?
    Buddhists believe that we should be willing to let go of things because nothing in life lasts forever
  • What is an important symbol for Buddhists often found in temples?
    The lotus flower
  • Why are Buddhist temples designed to be quiet places?
    To allow people to meditate
  • What does meditation mean in Buddhism?
    Meditation means stilling your mind in order to focus your thoughts
  • How do people typically sit while meditating in a Buddhist temple?
    People sit on the floor or a cushion
  • What is the purpose of sounding a bell or singing bowl during meditation?
    To mark the beginning and the end of a meditation session
  • What roles do Buddhist monks play in the community?
    Buddhist monks lead meditation, give advice on living a good life, lead rituals for the dead, bless children, and help prepare for weddings
  • What do Buddhist monks in Thailand do with tourists visiting the temple?
    They talk to tourists