Cards (41)

  • Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals
    METALS exhibit METALLIC BONDING, making them strong, malleable, and excellent conductors of heat and electricity.
  • Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals
    NON-METALS, lacking metallic bonding, often appear dull and are poor conductors of electricity, with a lower density and a wide range of physical states at room temperature.
    GROUP 0 elements, which has complete outer electron shells, this makes them unreactive and COLOURLESS at room temperature.
    • Noble gases are unreactive, because they have a full outer shell
  • Noble Gases
    Doesn't form molecules and exist as SINGLE MONATOMIC ATOMS (just one atom), since their outer shell is full, so no need to lose or gain electrons.
  • monatomic
    one atom
  • diatomic
    two atoms
  • noble gases
    Are NON-FLAMMABLE (doesn't catch fire), a significant safety feature in applications.
  • Trends in Noble Gases
    The BOILING POINTS of Noble gases increase down the group, due to the increasing number of electrons, which increases intermolecular forces that need to be overcome to change state from liquid to gas.
  • intermolecular
    the attractive forces between molecules of a substance.
  • what type of particles are in a sample of neon?
  • In reactions, metals give away outer shell electrons to non-metals, until both has a full outer shell.
    The group 1 elements, which are highly REACTIVE and are SOFT metals with low density and all has ONE ELECTRON in their OUTER SHELL.
  • Reactivity of Alkali Metals
    reactivity INCREASES as you go down the group, because there are more shells, so there's less attraction between the nucleus and the outer shell, so the atom loses an electrons more easily.
  • Reactivity of Alkali Metals
  • Reactivity of Alkali Metals
    When reacting, group 1 elements form IONIC COMPOUNDS with non-metals, resulting in white solids that dissolve in water to create colourless ALKALI solutions.
  • How does the size of a potassium atom compare with the size of a sodium atom?
    potassium is large because it has more shell.
  • Hot sodium is put in a gas jar of chlorine.
    Describe the observations made before, during and after the reaction.
    before is a yellow gas.
    during is a yellow flame.
    after is a white solid.
  • Explain why sodium is less reactive than potassium.
    Sodium has fewer shells and the outer shell is close to nucleus, so there's greater attraction between nucleus and outer shell, so more energy needed to remove an electron.
  • Alkali metals with water: (X = ANY ALKALI METAL)
    Reacts VIGOROUSLY to produces Hydrogen gas and hydroxides (alkaline when dissolves in water).
    • The reactions become MORE VIOLENT reactions FURTHER DOWN the group.     
    A) 2XOH
    B) H2
  • When sodium reacts with water it:
    1. melts and form a ball
    2. floats (because it has a lower density than water)
    3. moves
    4. bubbles
    5. gets smaller
  • When potassium reacts with water it:
    1. melts and form a ball
    2. floats (because it has a lower density than water)
    3. moves faster
    4. bubbles faster
    5. disappears faster
    6. catches fire
    7. lilac flame
    8. explodes
  • when lithium reacts with water it:
    • melts into a ball
    • floats (because it has a lower density than water)
    • bubbles
  • Alkali metals reacting with chlorine: (X IS ANY ALKALI METAL)
    • React with Chlorine to form METAL CHLORIDES, which are WHITE SALTS.
    • The reactions become more VIGOROUS down the group.
    A) 2XCl
  • alkali metals reacting with oxygen: (X IS ANY ALKALI METAL)
    • In the air, it forms METAL OXIDES (this is why alkali metals rust when exposed to air) and is covered in a dull coating.
    A) 2X2O
    the NON-METALS found in GROUP 7, all halogens have 7 electrons in the outer shell making them react in similar ways.
  • Halogens are diatomic molecules.
  • properties of halogens:
    A) increases
    B) darker
    C) decreases
  • Explain the trend in reactivity of the halogens:
    • It has 7 outer electrons, so it needs to gain an electron to become stabled.
    • halogens further down the group are less reactive because they have more shells, so less attractive force on the electrons , this makes an electron less easily gained.
  • going down group 7, the melting and boiling points increase, because the size of the molecules increases so the intermolecular forces increase, meaning MORE ENERGY is needed to separate the molecules.
  • The reactivity decreases down group 7, because chlorine has 2 reactions and bromine has one reaction.
  • Predict what you would observe when fluorine gas reacts with iron:
    • burns very vigorously
    • explodes
    • burns violently
    • brighter glow
    • flame
  • When halogens react with NON-METALS, they form SIMPLE MOLECULAR compounds (contains only a few atoms) with COVALENT BONDS (sharing of electrons).
    A) 2HCl
  • When halogens react with METALS, they form IONIC compounds with ionic bonds.
    A) 2NaCl
    • HALOGENS undergo DISPLACEMENT REACTIONS where a MORE REACTIVE halogen REPLACES a LESS REACTIVE halogen in a compound.
    • For example, Chlorine can displace Bromine in Potassium Bromide:
    A) 2KCl
    B) Br2
    • HALOGENS undergo DISPLACEMENT REACTIONS where a MORE REACTIVE halogen REPLACES a LESS REACTIVE halogen in a compound.
    • If the halogen is LESS REACTIVE, the displacement reaction will NOT occur.
    A) 2KCl
    B) Br2
  • Here's a list with all the possible DISPLACEMENT reactions:
    A) X
    B) X
    C) X
    D) KCl + Br2
    E) X
    F) X
    G) KCl + I2
    H) KBr + I2
    I) X
  • Explain why chlorine is more reactive than bromine
    chlorine is a smaller atom and has the greater attraction between the nucleus and the outer shell, therefore chlorine can gain an electron more easily.
  • Transition metals form coloured compounds.
  • Transition metals have ions with different charges.
    • Fe2+
    • Fe3+