revitalising presidency

Cards (7)

  • To what extent did Reagan revitalise the presidency?
    Reagan had brought back both trust in the president and
    government again
    His charisma, presidential image and foreign affairs success revitalized the image of the presidency.
    Bush was less able to capture the public support that Reagan had and was a 1 term president.
  • How did presidential involvement in legislation change under Reagan
    Reagan’s early success with legislation and bipartisan
    support from Congress was short lived
    Reagan advised some of his policies were too conservative and there was opposition from his own party over environmental issues
    Bush raised taxes
    Clinton also failed to get policies like his healthcare legislation passed
    Presidential involvement in legislation was short-term
  • Iran Contra Affair damage public image?
    White House officials supplied arms to Iran in exchange from Hostages
    Money from arms used to fund Contra rebels in Nicaragua
    Actions went against neutrality laws in Iran/Iraq War
    Reagan lied to Congress/public and denied it happened much like Nixon
    Reagan later claimed these were actions of officials beneath him which he was unaware of
    Presidency damaged but Reagan was popular with the public
  • ‘New Right’ thinking suggest politics were revitalised?
    Created a conservative coalition of both democratic and republicans
    Against lazy/welfare dependency, lack of law and order
    Most Americans were concerned about social issues
  • To what extent did politicians become revitalised?
    Reagan was able to persuade democrats to vote for his early policies
    Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton new leaders championed new democratic ideology of low tax and low federal intervention
  • Further changes occurred to the political environment during Reagan’s
    two terms in office?
    Business major role
    Big businesses helped to campaign and finance elections/politicians
    Christian Right became much more outspoken and powerful under Reagan
    He maintained that many of his feelings were personal views but
    still tried to make conservative appointments to pacify this
    group and keep their votes.
  • US public show greater engagement in the political landscape?
    Televised political debates show a lack of engagement by the
    1960 Debates had 60 million viewers
    1996 Debates had 36 million viewers
    Reagan was popular, changed the view of the media and
    political parties / role of the government but did not making
    sweeping legislative changes.
    Voter turnout did not support the view that political engagement