Cards (21)

  • What is the primary function of homeostatic mechanisms in organisms?
    To keep internal body conditions near constant
  • What are the three key homeostatic mechanisms?
    • Thermoregulation: control of body temperature
    • Osmoregulation: control of the water potential of body fluids
    • Control of blood glucose concentration
  • Why is information transfer important in homeostatic mechanisms?
    It allows different parts of the body to coordinate responses to maintain homeostasis
  • What is a hormone?

    A chemical messenger produced by an endocrine gland and carried by the blood
  • How do hormones affect target organs?
    They alter the activity of one or more specific target organs
  • What type of functions do hormones control?
    Functions that do not need instant responses
  • What is a gland?
    A group of cells that produces and releases one or more substances
  • What hormone does the thyroid gland produce?
  • What is the role of the pituitary gland?

    It is known as the master gland
  • What hormone does the pancreas produce?
  • What hormone do the testes produce?
  • What hormone do the adrenal glands produce?

  • What hormones do the ovaries produce?
  • How do endocrine glands function in the body?
    • They have a good blood supply
    • They secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream
    • Hormones are transported to target cells/tissues
  • Why do hormones only affect certain cells in the body?
    Because only target cells have receptors that the hormone can bind to
  • Where are hormone receptors typically found?
    On the cell surface membrane
  • What is required for a hormone to have an effect on a cell?
    The receptor must be complementary to the hormone
  • What is the process of hormone action involving first and second messengers?
    • First messenger: the hormone that brings the signal from the endocrine gland
    • Hormones bind to receptors on the cell surface membrane
    • Second messenger: causes the effect inside the cell
  • How does adrenaline function as a first messenger?
    It binds to a receptor on the cell surface membrane
  • What is the role of cyclic AMP in hormone action?
    It acts as a second messenger causing an effect in the cell
  • What are the key differences between the nervous system and the endocrine system?
    • Nervous system: electrical impulses, fast transmission, targets muscles or glands
    • Endocrine system: chemical hormones, slower transmission, targets specific tissues