Stewardship of God's Creation
Created by
Raphael John
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Genesis 1
- illustrates the beautiful, creative act of God
Day 1
- separates light from darkness
Day 2
- separates waters from waters
Day 3
- gathers water to one place and land appears along with vegetation
Day 4
- creates sun to rule the day and moon to rule the night
Day 5
- God creates birds of the air and fish of the sea
Day 6
- God creates man and land animals
Day 7
- God rested
Genesis 2
- presents a detailed illumination of the sixth day
Genesis 2
- a detail map, used to zoom in on the larger map of the creation history
Genesis 2:4-6
- summarizes the first five days of creation, as it emphasizes the creation plants and atmospheric conditions
Genesis 2:7-25
- add details to the sixth day of Creation that were not told in the first story
Genesis 2:7
- God creates Adam
Genesis 2:8-15
- He creates and furnished a home for Adam
Garden of Eden
- home of Adam and Eve
Genesis 2:16-17
- He teaches Adam the basic moral laws that will rule his life
Genesis 2:18-20
- He creates animals to live with man
Genesis 2:21-25
- He creates the woman, and Adam and Eve become one flesh
Genesis 2:4-25
- details the story in Genesis 1
- events are reported in order
- events are recorded in this sequence to tell a story; demonstrates God's involvement with man
Creation of the Cosmos - universal in scope
Creation-caring for man - focused is specific in Eden
The Name of God is the
- shows His majesty and glory
Name of God is
Lord God
- personal name of God; shows His tender love
God spoke the World into being - transcendent nature of God; keeps His distance
God molded man with His hands - feeling of personal involvement or intimacy of the Lord God to mankind
God created
- only God can create
God formed
- to create using His own hands
- only used in OT with God as a subject and no material is ever mentioned
- indicates He used His own hands a s pottery craftsmen moldsa work of art
"It was Good" - meant that God's creation does not even have a hint of possible disharmony
"It is not good for man to be alone" - a narrative, which we see a reliance upon community and companionship
- towards God
- with one another