Cards (18)

  • Covalent Bonding occurs between NON-METALS.
  • COVALENT BONDING involves atoms SHARING pairs of electrons, so that the atoms can achieve a FULL OUTER SHELL and become STABLE.
  • covalent bonds form because the positively charged NUCLEI are attracted to the shared pairs of ELECTRONS by ELECTROSTATIC FORCES.
    In these diagrams you only need to show the OUTER SHELL.
    • To represent atoms SHARING ELECTRONS, it has OVERLAPPING shells where the shared electrons are drawn.
    These are simplified diagrams that use LINES to represent COVALENT BONDS.
  • covalent diagrams
    A) hydrogen
    B) H-H
  • Covalent diagrams:
    A) chlorine
    B) Cl-Cl
  • covalent diagrams:
    A) oxygen
    B) O=O
  • covalent diagrams:
    A) nitrogen
    B) N≡N
  • covalent diagrams:
    A) hydrogen chloride
    B) H-Cl
  • covalent diagrams:
    A) water
    B) H-O-H
  • covalent diagrams:
    A) ammonia
    B) H-N-H
    C) H
  • covalent diagrams:
    A) methane
    B) H
    C) H-C-H
    D) H
  • 3D MODELS:
    To know the MOLECULAR FORMULA of a compound, count the number of each type of atom present in the molecule using any representation.
    • As there are 3 HYDROGEN atoms and 1 NITROGEN atom, this molecule has a formula of NH3.
  • limitations of ball and stick model:
    • not to scale
    • not 3D
    • atoms are separated
    • electrons / shells not shown
  • limitations of dots and cross diagrams:
    • does not show the shape
    • only 2D
  • It's CH4O
  • Because there are no gaps / sticks between the potassium ions and sulfide ions.