LIB society

Cards (12)

  • Liberals value tolerance and say the interests of minorities must be accomodated and protected
  • Liberals believe in meritocracy and cultural, economic and intellectual progress
  • In a natural society, humans obey natural laws that ensure mutual sympathy and tolerance
  • Classical - little stress on socety, individuals have primacy over the idea of a common good
  • Classical - Locke said there should be tolerance between alternative political and religious views
  • Classical - Locke's social contract
  • Classical - Locke said society guarantees natural rights
  • Classical - J.S. Mill believed in a limited government and a republic over a popular democracy, at first
  • Modern - society is organic, and individuals must control self interest in the interest of societal cohesion
  • Modern - Wollstonecraft believed in the social contract and that all should experience equality under the law
  • Modern - Rawls' veil of ignorance -> people would choose a society that offered opportunities for the less fortunate to improve their condition
  • Modern - Friedan said illiberal attitudes condemned women to underachievment, nurtured through society's culture channels