LIB economy

Cards (17)

  • Liberals advocate for capitalism and private enterprise
  • Liberals oppose nationalisation
  • Private possession and the pursuit of private ownership is a natural right
  • Economic liberty is synonymous with general liberty
  • Classical - laissez-faire economics as J.S. Mill suggests
  • Classical - free markets, competition and little state intervention
  • Classical - capitalism and free markets automatically lead to the creation of wealth
  • Classical - individuals pursuing their enlightened self-interests in a free economy will naturally take advantage of free markets
  • Classical - Locke said natural wealth is an outcome of labour and there should be no state intervention
  • Classical - Adam Smith believe free markets would promote economic activity and wealth creation
  • Modern - free market capitalism requires some regulation
  • Modern - taxation is key to deliver positive freedoms
  • Modern - Keynesiasm, state should intervene to stimulate the markets
  • Modern - Wollstonecratf wanted women to be given economic independence
  • Modern - Rawls believed the state has an obligation to aid disadvantaged citizens which would temper free market capitalism
  • Modern - Rawls believed in progressive taxation
  • Modern - Friedan believed economic equality would empower women, liberated women would be vital to free market capitalism, and advocated for workplace discrimination legislation