D entered a gardenat night and looked at V through window
What was the point of law in Smith v Woking 1983?
Assault can be througha window if V fears that D is about to enter and be violent. The impact on V is the important factor
What happened in Ireland 1999?
D made silent phonecalls.
What was the point of law in Ireland 1999?
Silence may amount to an assault
What happened in Tuberville v Savage 1669?
D put his handon sword and said "Ifit were not assizetime I would nottake such language fromyou".
What was the point of law in Tuberville v Savage 1669?
Words can prevent agesture from being an assault.
What happened in Logdon 1976?
D pointed an imitationgun at a womanin jest. She wasterrified. The defendant then told her it wasn't real.
What was the point of law in Lodgon 1976?
D was reckless asto whether she wouldapprehend such violence. Itwas irrelevant that D did not intendto carry out threat.
What happened in Collins v Wilcock 1984?
Police officer held awoman's arm to preventher walking away.
What was the point of law in Collins v Wilcock 1984?
Any touching may bea battery and alwaysis if there isphysical restraint unless part of a lawful arrest.
What happened in Thomas 1985?
School caretkaer touched hem of girl's skirt.
What was the point of law in Thomas 1985?
Touching someone's clothing can be a battery if theyare wearing the clothes.
What happened in DPP v K 1990?
D put acid inhand drier
What was the point of law in DPP v K 1990?
A battery can beby an indirect act.
What happened in Santana-Bermudez?
D failed to tella policewoman that he had a needle in his pocket. She wasinjured when searching him.
What was the point of law in Santana-Bermudez 2003?
An omission is sufficient for the Actus Reus of battery
What happened in Venna 1976?
D struggled with aPO arresting him andwas judged to have committed battery recklessly
What was the point of law in Venna 1976?
Mens rea of battery defined as intentionally or recklessly applying force toanother person
What happened in Miller 1954?
Domestic abuse case
What was the point of law in Miller 1954?
Actual Bodily Harm includes "anyhurt or injury calculatedto interfere with thehealth or comfort ofthe victim". It must be morethantrivial.
What happened in DPP v Smith 2006?
D cut off ex-girlfriend'sponytail.
What was the point of law in DPP v Smith 2006?
Cutting off a substantialamount of hair, although it was deadtissue can amount toABH
What happened in T v DPP 2003?
D and others chased V. Vfell and momentarily lost consciousness.
What was the point of law in T v DPP?
a momentary loss of consciousness could be ABH.
What was the point of law in Ireland 1999 (OAPA- ABH)?
"Bodilyharm" includes psychiatric illness but does not include "mereemotions".
What happened in Savage 1991?
D threw beer overwoman in pub. Glass slipped and cut V. D said she did not intend or realise there was risk of V being injured.
What was the point of law in Savage 1991?
Provided D has the MR of assault or battery, there is no need to prove a further mental state in relation to the actual bodily harm.
What happened in Eisenhower 1983?
V hit in theeye - did notpenetrate the eye surface but did cause severe bleeding under thesurface.
What was the point of law in Eisenhower 1983?
For a "wound" to exist 2 layers of the skin must be pierced. As there was no cut to the surface of the eye it was held that this was not a wound.
What was the Actus Reus of DPP v Smith 1961?
GBH defined as "reallyserious harm".
What happened in Bollom 2004?
D caused bruises andabrasions to a 17month old baby
What was the point of law in Bollom 2004?
When deciding if an injury is GBH the age of the victim can beconsidered.
What happened in Brown and Stratton 1997?
D attacked V witha chair causing a broken nose, 3 lost teeth and concussion.
What was the point of law in Brown and Stratton 1997?
Several minor injuries mayamount to GBH.
What happened in Burstow 1997?
D stalked V, making threatening phone calls, sending hate mail, stole washing from lineetc
What was the point of law in Burstow 1997?
GBH covers serious psychiatric injury . "inflict" in s.20 does not require a technical assault or battery so no real difference in the AR of s.18 and s.20
What happened in Dica 2004?
D infected 2 womenwith HIV
What was the point of law of Dica 2004?
Infecting someone with a biological disease may be GBH.
What happened in Parmenter 1991?
D threw 3 monthold baby into theair and caught him.D did not realisethere was risk ofany injury.
What was the point of law in Parmenter 1991?
D must foresee the risk ofsome har but need not intend or foresee that his unlawfulact might cause seriousinjury.