Chem in Consumer Products

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  • Food Additives are chemicals that improve flavor and appearance of food, and can preserve the natural taste of it. Examples are acetic acid (found chiefly in vinegar) and antioxidants such as Vitamin C.
  •  2.  Active Ingredients are chemicals that produce a chemical or biological effect on the body or system upon use. Examples are ibuprofen (some trade names include Alaxan™) and paracetamol (trade names include Biogesic™).
  •    3.  Cleaning Agents are chemical that can remove dirt, and sometimes can be antibacterial, antifungal, or antiviral. Examples include naphthalene (used in mothballs) and bleach
  • .  Cosmetics are chemicals that enhance the user's appearance and/or fragrance. Examples are citrus oil in perfumes and glyoxal (found in nail polish).
  • Food Additives are substances added to food and/or beverages to improve flavor and appearance. They are also used to preserve the natural taste of food.
  •  Cleaning Agents are substances that are used to remove dirt, along with dust, stains, clutter, and foul odor. They may also kill some harmful microorganisms in the cleaning process.
  • Cosmetics are substances that enhance the consumer’s appearance.  also improve the consumer’s fragrance.