All matter, like air and water, consists of tiny particles
All particles of matter are constantly moving in a random manner and this is know as Brownian Motion
Brownian motion refers to air particles moving about randomly at all times
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
The arrangement and movement of particles will be different when in different states
All matter is made up of smalldiscreteparticles that are in constantrandom motion
All particles of one pure substance are identical
Arrangement of particles : Have a fixed regular pattern and are packed very closely in an orderly manner
Movement of particles : They vibrate about their fixed positions and are held together by very strong forces of attraction
Arrangement of particles : Has no fixed regular pattern and are packed closely in a disorderly manner
Movement of particles : They slide past one another freely and are held together by strong forces of attraction
Arrangement of particles : Have no fixed regular pattern and are far apart from one another
Movement of particles : They move randomly and quickly and are held together by weak forces of attraction
Expansions and Contractions of solids
Upon heating, the (substance) particles gain energy and vibrate more vigorously making the particles move further apart from one another causing the volume to increase. As a result, the substance expands
Expansions and Contractions of solids
Upon contraction, the (substance) particles lose energy and vibrate less vigorously making the particles move closer to one another causing the volume to decrease. As a result, the substance contracts
Expansions and Contractions of liquids
Upon heating, the (substance) particles gain energy and slide past one another more quickly making the particles move further apart from one another causing the volume to increase. As a result, the substance expands
Expansions and Contractions of liquids
Upon contraction, the (substance) particles lose energy and slide past one another less quickly making the particles move closer to one another causing the volume to decrease. As a result, the substance contracts
Expansions and Contractions of gasses
Upon heating, the (substance) particles gain energy and move more quickly making the particles move further apart from one another causing the volume to increase. As a result, the substance expands
Expansions and Contractions of gasses
Upon contraction, the (substance) particles lose energy and move past one another less quickly making the particles move closer to one another causing the volume to decrease. As a result, the substance contracts
The process in which as solid changes into a liquid without a change in temperature
As the solid is heated, the particles will gain energy and vibrate faster about their fixed positions. When particles gain enough energy, they will overcometheverystrongforcesofattraction between one another
The solid will hence melt and become liquid
The process in which a liquid changes into a gas without a change in temperature
As they liquid is heated, the particles will gain energy and movefasterandfurtherapart from one another. When the particles gain enough energy, they will overcomethestrongforcesofattraction between one another
The liquid boils and becomes a gas
The process in which a liquid changes into a solid without a change in temperature.
As the liquid is cooled, the particles will lose energy and move slower. When the particles lose enough energy, they are pulledmuchclosertooneanotherbyforcesofattraction between them.
The liquid freezes and becomes a solid
The process in which a gas changes into a liquid without a change in temperature
As the gas is cooled, the particles will lose energy and move slower. When the particles lose enough energy, they are pulledclosertooneanotherbytheforcesofattraction between them
The gas condenses and becomes a liquid
Diffusion is the net movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration