John Calvin

Subdecks (1)

Cards (15)

  • what is his view on election?
    limited election
  • what is meant by limited election?
    God, in his sovereignty has chosen to elect or predestine a specific group of individuals.
  • Who did Jesus die for?
    only for the elect. God knows the elect and only those people will go heaven.
  • what qualities did Calvin emphasize about God?
    Omnipotence and sovereignty
  • What is limited election also known as?
    Particular election or unconditional election
  • What is meant by double predestination?
    Calvin- since the elected are decided so is the people who go hell.
  • What does sovereignty suggest about god?
    he is the absolute decision maker
  • T- total depravity - original sin - impossible to obtained a status God is pleased with.
  • U- unconditional election- unconditional - God's choice.
  • L- limited atonement- Jesus only died for the elect
  • I- irresistible grace - we have no choice over who is the elect
  • P- perseverance of Saints - if you are a elect, you will always be an elect - cannot be undone.