opperant conditioning

Cards (10)

  • operant conditioning
    learning through consequeces
  • Who conducted research on operant conditioning in 1953?
    1. F. Skinner
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    It is a reward given to increase the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
  • What is negative reinforcement?
    It involves the removal of an unpleasant stimulus to increase a behavior.
  • What is continuous reinforcement?
    It is when an animal is rewarded every time a desired behavior is performed.
  • What is partial reinforcement?
    It is when rewards are given only some of the time for a behavior.
  • What are the key findings from Skinner's experiments on operant conditioning?
    • Animals learn to press a lever to receive food.
    • Continuous reinforcement increases the frequency of the behavior.
    • Partial reinforcement can lead to persistence in behavior.
    • Punishment can decrease the frequency of a behavior.
  • How does the frequency of behavior change with continuous reinforcement compared to partial reinforcement?
    Continuous reinforcement leads to a higher frequency of behavior than partial reinforcement.
  • What does the conclusion of Skinner's research suggest about learning?
    Learning is an active process determined by consequences.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of operant conditioning as described in the study material?
    • Behavior is more likely to occur again when reinforced.
    • Provides a clear method for shaping behavior.

    • Uncertainty about the underlying mechanisms.
    • Potential ethical concerns regarding punishment.