robbed bodies from graves in order to dissect them.
wrote 'On the Fabric of the Human Body' in 1543, which proved many of Galen's teachings to be wrong: there is one jawbone, not two.
Frenchbarber surgeon in the army
traditionally using hot oil, treated gunshot wounds, however Pare discovered an ointment using: egg yolk, rose oil and turpentine
he also discovered ligatures to tie off blood vessels and stop blood loss. Using silk thread proved to be unsuccessful as it caused infection
English doctor
proved that blood was pumped around the body by the heart and identified the difference in arteries and veins.
added to Vesalius' teachings and continued to disprove Galen.
The Great Plague 1665:
The plague returned to England in 1665, caused by poor sanitation, killing 100,000 in London.
There was a more organized response to the plague in 1665: the government set quarantines, where houses were marked with red crosses, and doctors wore protective clothing.
Invention of the printing press allowed books to be mass produced and therefore, teachings could be spread more easily and rapidly.
Many moved away from ideas about religion as a cause of disease, looked to natural causes of disease.