Cards (6)

  • what is a balance sheet?
    a financial snapshot of the business at a moment of time
  • key theory
    1. it looks at the accumulated wealth of a business and can show its overall worth
    2. it lists what the business owns and what it owes
    3. it shows the total equity provided by the owners
    4. equity comes from either the purchase of shares or through retained profit known as reserves
  • key terms for balance sheet
    assets - items that the business owns
    non-current assets - resources that can be used repeatedly in the production process and allow a business to operate
    tangible assets - non-current assets that exist physically
    intangible assets - non-current assets that do not have physical presence
  • key terms for balance sheet
    current assets - short term items that turn into cash within a year
    inventories - stock, work in progress, finished goods
    recievables - money owed to the company by its customers mostly from sales on credit
    liabilities - debts owed by the business
    non-current liabilities - debts due for repayment after more than a year
    current liabilities - debts due for repayment within one year
  • key terms for balance sheet
    total equity - funds provided by shareholders to set up the business, fund expansion and purchase non-current assets : 2 forms are share capital and reserves and retained earnings
    share capital - funds provided by shareholders through the purchase of shares
    reserves - profits reinvested into the business that has not been paid to shareholders as dividends
  • key calculations
    net current assets = current assets - current liabilities
    net assets = total assets - total liabilities
    capital employed = total equity + non-current liabilities