Biology - Biological Molecules - Carbohydrates

Cards (14)

  • Maltose is made up of...
    Glucose + Glucose
  • Sucrose is made up of...
    Glucose + Fructose
  • Lactose is made up of...
    Glucose + Galactose
  • Formula for Carbohydrates:

  • Why use starch for storage?

    Insoluble - doesn't effect water conc. of the plant cell.
    Large molecule - cannot diffuse out of the plant cell membrane.
    Alpha Glucose - easily transported and readily used.
    Amylopectin is branched - glucose released rapidly because more ends are hydrolysed by enzymes (hydrolysis reaction)
  • Why not use glucose for storage? (in plants)
    Small - Can be lost easily
    Soluble - Reduces water conc.
  • What two glucose polymers is starch made up of?
    Amylose and Amylopectin
  • Amylose:

    Alpha Glucose
    1,4 Glycosidic Bonds
    Spiral Structure
    Breaks down slower than Amylopectin (Only two terminal ends)
  • Amylopectin:

    Alpha Glucose
    1,4 and some 1,6 glycosidic bonds
    Branched Structure
    Breaks down faster than Amylose (more terminal ends)
    - The process of breaking down Amylopectin is called a hydrolysis reaction. (broken down by adding water)
  • What is the positive food test for starch?

    Iodine turns from brown/yellow to blue/black for a positive result
  • Glycogen:
    Storage molecule for animals.
    Alpha glucose.
    1,4 and 1,6 glycosidic bonds, giving it a branched structure. Easily hydrolysed.
    Stored in the muscles and liver.
  • Cellulose
    Structural polymer - very very strong.
    Beta glucose.
    Straight unbranched chains that are parallel with eachother.
    Hydrogen bonds form cross linkages between the strands.
    H bonds are weak alone, but strong together - these give cellulose its strength.
  • Beta Glucose

    See image below
  • Alpha Glucose

    See image below