Cognitive Neuroscience

    Cards (9)

    • Broca identified how damage to an area of the frontal lobe could permanently impair speech production
    • What are some examples of brain imaging techniques?
      fMRI and PET
    • With advances in brain imaging techniques, scientists have been able to systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes
    • Scanning techniques are used in establishing the neurological basis of mental disorders (OCD)
    • What has the focus of cognitive neuroscience expanded to include?
      Computer-generated models designed to 'read' the brain
    • What has the use of computer-generated models in cognitive neuroscience led to?
      Development of mind-mapping techniques known as 'brain fingerprinting'
    • What is one future use of cognitive neuroscience?
      Analysing the brain wave patterns of eyewitnesses
    • Bucker and Peterson were able to show how episodic and semantic memory were located on opposite sides of the prefrontal cortex
    • Cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes