AO3: Cognitive approach

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Scientific methods
    What? Uses objective, scientific methods
    Who? Cognitive psychologists use highly controlled lab studies - reliable/objective data + cognitive neuroscience has enhanced scientific basis of study
    Why? Credible scientific basis
  • Counterpoint: Scientific methods
    What? Relies on inferences
    Who? Suffers from being abstract and theoretical + uses artificial stimuli; lacks mundane realism
    Why? Lacks external validity
  • Strength: Real-world application
    What? Practical application
    Who? Development of artificial intelligence, treatment of depression and improved reliability of eyewitness testimony
    Why? Supports value
  • Limitation: Machine reductionism
    What? Based on machine reductionism
    Who? Ignores human emotion and motivation - research found human memory affected by emotion
    Why? Weakens validity