Epithelial Tissue

Cards (31)

    • covers internal and external surfaces
    • forms most glands
  • What classification of epithelial tissue is shown in the image?
    simple cuboidal
  • What is the topmost surface of epithelium tissue also known as the free surface called?
    apical surface
  • What is the bottomest layer of the epithelium tissues?
    basement membrane
  • What do you call the surface of the cell that is anchored in place?
    basal surface
  • What do you call where the epithelial cells are attached to each other?
    lateral surface
  • Epithelial tissue is __ because it doesn't have blood vessels or it does not penetrate blood vessels. What is in the blank?
  • What type of junction is find between each of the cells' membranes, holding them together?
    tight junctions
  • What junction are small spaces that go between the cells?They are located deep in the tight junctions.
    adhering junction
  • What junction is the small button- or snap-like junctions? They do not encircle the entire cell.
  • What junction consists of a series of hollow bridging structures. This is where small pores connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cell.
    gap junction
  • What junction anchors the cell to the basement membrane?
  • What is being described?
    • single layer of flat, hexagonal cells
    • nuclei looks like bumps
    simple squamous
  • What type of epithelial tissue functions as diffusion, filtration, protection against friction, and secretion?
    simple squamous epithelium
  • What is being described?
    • has more organelles compared to squamous type
    • others may have cilia and microvilli
    simple cuboidal
  • What type of epithelial tissue functions as absorption and movement of particles?
    simple cuboidal
  • What is being described?
    • contain organelles that enable them to perform complex functions
    • some have cilia or microvilli
    • it has goblet cells
    simple columnar
  • What type epithelial tissue functions as movement of particles, secretion, and absorption?
    simple columnar epithelium
  • What is being described?
    • all cells contact the basal lamina/surface, but only some reach the apical surface
    • cells are varying of heights and their nuclei are at different position in the epithelium
    pseudostratified epithelium
  • What is being described?
    • Several layers of cells that are cuboidal in the basal layer and progressively flattened towards the surface.
    stratified squamous epithelium
  • This stratified squamous epithelium contains dead cells and the cytoplasm at the surface is replaced by a protein called keratin. What is being described?
    keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  • This stratified squamous epithelium is moist and the surface cells retain a nucleus and cytoplasm. What is being described?
    nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
  • What is being described?
    • More than one layer of epithelial cells, but only the surface cells are columnar; deeper layer cells are irregular or cuboidal in shape.
    stratified columnar epithelium
  • What is being described?
    • Stratified cells that appear cuboidal when the organ or tube is stretched by fluid
    transitional epithelium
  • What type of epithelial tissue is shown?
    simple squamous epithelium
  • What is shown in the picture?
    simple columnar epithelium
  • What is shown in the picture?
    pseudostratified epithelium
  • What is shown in the picture?
    stratified squamous epithelium
  • What is shown in the picture?
    stratified cuboidal epithelium
  • What is shown in the picture?
    stratified columnar
  • What is shown in the picture?
    transitional epithelium