Camera Angles

Cards (25)

  • What are the basic components that make up films?
    Films are made up of sequences, scenes, and shots.
  • What is the significance of shot size and framing in filmmaking?
    Shot size and framing are used to isolate subjects or create relationships.
  • Why is camera height important in filmmaking?
    Camera height, specifically the angle of the camera, affects how subjects are perceived.
  • What are the nine different types of camera angles discussed in the episode?
    1. Low angle shot
    2. High angle shot
    3. Aerial shot
    4. Overhead shot
    5. Dutch angle
    6. Eye level shot
    7. Shoulder level shot
    8. Hip level shot
    9. Knee level shot
    10. Ground-level shot
  • What is a low angle shot?
    A low angle shot is any shot that finds itself below a subject's eyeline looking up at them.
  • What effect does a low angle shot typically have on a subject?
    Low angle shots typically make a subject look more powerful.
  • How do high angle shots differ from low angle shots?
    High angle shots diminish a character, making them appear weak or vulnerable, while low angle shots make them appear powerful.
  • What is an aerial shot used for?
    An aerial shot is typically used to establish environments, cities, landscapes, or to present characters moving through a larger world.
  • What happens when high angles approach 90 degrees above the subject?
    They become an overhead shot, also known as a bird's-eye view or God's eye view.
  • What is the purpose of an overhead shot?
    An overhead shot is great for showcasing complex movements and can suggest a connection to the divine or capture horrific details.
  • What is a Dutch angle shot?
    A Dutch angle shot skews the horizontal axis of the frame for an off-kilter image.
  • What effects can a Dutch angle create?
    A Dutch angle can create a sense of unease, mania, or magnify tension.
  • What is an eye-level shot?
    An eye-level shot is the most commonly used camera height for the audience, regarded as the most natural height.
  • What is the effect of an eye-level shot on character perception?
    An eye-level shot does not impose judgment on a character.
  • How does the eye-level shot create a connection with the audience?
    The eye-level shot, along with breaking the fourth wall, creates an instant connection to the character.
  • What is a shoulder level shot?
    A shoulder level shot is slightly below eye level and often used during conversations.
  • How can shoulder level shots emphasize power differences?
    Shoulder level shots can emphasize a height difference, which translates visually to a power difference.
  • What is a hip level shot commonly associated with?
    A hip level shot is commonly found in Westerns, often in conjunction with a cowboy shot.
  • Why are knee level shots effective in tracking characters?
    Knee level shots can track through an environment and showcase character details that might be missed in wider shots.
  • What is a ground-level shot?
    A ground-level shot finds the camera placed all the way down on the ground or slightly below ground.
  • What is the effect of ground-level shots in filmmaking?
    Ground-level shots can stylishly track a character's movement or capture details within the setting.
  • What should filmmakers consider when creating a shot list?
    • How camera angle or height affects messaging
    • Be creative with choices
    • Mix and match different combinations of shot sizes, framing, and angles
  • What kind of camera angle is this and what purpose does it have in this scene?
    It is a ground level shot. Its purpose is to introduce Ricky as a character, and hint at what his personality might look like before we see his face.
  • What kind of angle is this camera shot?
    Shoulder level
  • What kind of angle is this shot?
    Low Angle Shot