Cards (7)

  • Road Patterns - Road patterns refer to the layout or arrangement of streets, lanes, and paths within a city or town.
  • ROAD AND RAILWAY PATTERNS: Rectangular or Block Pattern -In this pattern, the whole area is divided into rectangular blocks. Streets or branch roads intersect with each other at the right angle.
  • ROAD AND RAILWAY PATTERNS: Radial or Star and Block Pattern - It combines star and block patterns. The entire area is divided into a radial network of roads radiating outward from the center with a block pattern network of roads between the radial main streets.
  • ROAD AND RAILWAY PATTERNS: Radial or Star and Circular Pattern - It is the pattern in which the main roads (radial roads)radiate from the central point and are connected with concentric roads (ring roads) radiating outwardly.
  • ROAD AND RAILWAY PATTERNS: Radial or Star and Grid Pattern - This pattern is formed by combining Star and Grid Patterns. As in others, a radial road network radiates outwardly from the center. Then, the main radial streets are interconnected by providing a grid pattern.
  • ROAD AND RAILWAY PATTERNS: Hexagonal Pattern - In this, the entire area is divided into (6) hexagonal patterns. Three roads meet the built-up area boundary by the sides of the hexagons at every corner of the hexagon, which can be further divided into suitable sizes.
  • ROAD AND RAILWAY PATTERNS: Minimum Travel Pattern - The minimum travel pattern is a road layout designed to minimize the distance and time it takes for people to travel between two points. The goal is to create direct routes and efficient pathways to reduce fuel consumption, time spent on the road, and overall traffic congestion.