Ethical issues

    Cards (9)

    • Deception-deliberately misleading or withholding information helps to avoid demand characteristics. Not giving full truth/what you leave out.
    • Informed consent- making the participants aware of the aims of their research, the research the procedures, their rights (to withdraw) and what data of theirs will be used (everything)
    • Privacy and confidentiality- participants have the right to control what information about themselves is shared.
    • Anonymity- no identifiable characteristics the person to remain private and unknown.
    • Protection from harm- participants should not be put at any more risk than they are in their daily life's including physical and psychological.
    • Ethics committee- all institutions where research takes place has an ethics committee. Must approve of any study before it begins, looks at any possible ethical issues raised in the proposal and how he researcher offers to deal with them, they weigh up the benefits of the research against the possible costs to the participants.
    • Single blind- participants not aware
    • Double blind- both participants and researcher unaware that an experiment is taking place.
    • How to deal with ethical issues. Signed consent letter(U16 parental consent necessary), a full debrief at the end of experiment, participants should be told everything before starting and offered counselling if left with any harm, if personal details are held then they must be protected, initials rather than full governmental names.