Research into caregiver infant interaction

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Cards (16)

  • What is reciprocity in the context of caregiver-child interaction?
    Reciprocity is a two-way interaction between caregiver and child, seen as turn-taking.
  • What did Murray and Trevarthen study regarding infants?

    Murray and Trevarthen studied infants between 6-12 months and found they could distinguish between a live feed and a pre-recorded video.
  • What did the findings of Murray and Trevarthen suggest about reciprocity?
    The findings suggested that reciprocity is important for attachment, as infants showed distress with the pre-recorded video.
  • How did Brazelton describe reciprocity?

    Brazelton described reciprocity as a dance where each participant responds to the other's moves.
  • What is interactional synchrony?
    Interactional synchrony is a mirroring, a simultaneous coordinated sequence of movement, communication, or emotions.
  • At what age did Meltzoff and Moore find that babies start to exhibit interactional synchrony?

    Meltzoff and Moore found that babies started exhibiting interactional synchrony at just 2 weeks old.
  • What did Isabella find regarding interactional synchrony and attachment quality?
    Isabella found that a higher degree of interactional synchrony between mother and child correlates with better quality attachment.
  • What did Condon and Sander discover about infants' movements?
    Condon and Sander found that even from the first day of life, infants' movements synchronize with the speech patterns of caregivers.