Lorenz + Harlow in attachment

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  • Who conducted the experiment involving imprinting in geese?
  • What is the term used by Lorenz to describe the phenomenon where young animals follow the first living thing they see?

  • What is the critical period for geese to imprint according to Lorenz?
    1. 25 hours after hatching
  • What did Lorenz conclude about the nature of imprinting?
    It is irreversible
  • What was the setup of Harlow's experiment with infant monkeys?
    • Controlled environment
    • Two mother surrogates:
    • One made of plain wire dispensing food
    • One covered with cloth and no food
    • Time spent with each 'mother' recorded
    • Fear response monitored
  • What did Harlow's experiment reveal about the importance of contact comfort in attachment?

    Contact comfort was more important than food
  • What behavior did the monkeys exhibit when scared in Harlow's experiment?

    They clung to the cloth mother
  • What were the long-term developmental consequences observed in the monkeys from Harlow's study?
    • Poor parenting
    • Aggression
    • Low sociability