Shakespeare terms

Cards (17)

  • What is iambic pentameter?
    A regular pattern of rhythm within a line of verse containing five poetic feet, each with an unstressed and stressed syllable.
  • What is blank verse?
    Unrhymed iambic pentameter.
  • What is rhymed verse?
    Rhymed iambic pentameter.
  • What is prose?
    Written language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure.
  • What is alliteration?
    The repetition of letters in words close together.
  • What is antithesis?
    A parallel sentence structure to compare two opposing ideas.
  • What is assonance?
    Repetition of vowel sounds in the same phrase or verse line.
  • What is caesura?
    A marked pause within a verse line, usually indicated with a full stop or a semi-colon.
  • What is enjambment?
    A verse line that only makes sense when it runs on and stops at a caesura in the following line.
  • What is an end-stopped line?
    A line whose sense is contained within the line and has punctuation at the end of it.
  • What is a half line?
    An incomplete iambic line.
  • What is a shared line?
    A device where two or more characters make up one line of verse.
  • What are lists and ladders in poetry?
    Devices where an idea or feeling is intensified through listing or logical connections.
  • What is onomatopoeia?
    A word that sounds like what it means.
  • What is a pun?
    A play on the meaning of the same or two similar words.
  • What are similes?
    Comparisons of two seemingly unlike things using 'like' or 'as.'
  • What are metaphors?
    Direct comparisons of two seemingly unlike things.