Cards (38)

  • Childhood is socially constructed
  • The definition of childhood can change across cultures
  • Pilcher defines childhood as a ”special time in life & it is distinctly seperate period to adulthood”
  • Punch found Bolivian 5 year olds are expected to work, showing cross cultural differences
  • Firth found that the souwest Pacific island, Tikopia children have the choice to follow an adults orders - showing no heirachial structure
  • Both Punch and Firth were supported my statistical data
  • However, this way of childhood being defined as different across cultures can change with time
  • There has been a globalisation of Western Childhood
  • Campaigns against child labour and ”street children” has lef the to the spread of western ideas aboug childhood
  • Ariès found during the Middle Ages, childhood did not exist, they found children were expected to contribute when they could
  • In the Middle Ages there was little differences legally between and adult and child
  • Ariès used historical documents to come to his conclusion on childhood
  • Postman says the growth of childhood as a concept was due to the existence of printing press because children could not read
  • Postman argues the introduction of TV has lead to childhood disappearing again
  • Lloyd de Mause says that childhood used to be a nightmare but the lives of children has improved for the better
  • Today children are more valued due to a ”child centred family”
  • Palmer says a toxic childhood has been created - parents rely on ”electronic babysitters” instead of engaging with their children
  • Molly Russel commited suicide in 2017 - showing the existence of a toxic childhood
  • Children born in LEDCs, face more health problems
  • Hillman says boys are more likely to get freedom and face more risk than girls, while girls grow up doing domestic labour
  • Bonke says girls are more likely to do domestic labour especially if the mother is not available
  • There are many class inequalities in childhood - working class mothers give birth to low birth-weight babies and have development delays
  • Woodroffe claims children who come from unskilled manual workers are 4x more likely to suffer from hyperactivity
  • Howard children born in poor families are more likely to die during infancy
  • Firestone & Holt found children are oppressed by adults and see a need to free children by ’child liberation’
  • In 2006, 31.4k children were on the child protection registers and considered at significant harm, often from their own parents
  • Childline received 20k calls a year from children
  • It can be suggested there is a darkside to family life and the biggest victims of it are children
  • Gittins argues there is an ’Age Patriachy’ which keeps children subordinate
  • Adult control can result in sexual/emotional abuse
  • Postman argues TV blares the distinction of childhood and adulthood
  • Iona Opie says there are still distinct spaces for children and adults - such as games/music
  • Jenks adults are becoming even more focussed on protecting their child’s innocence
  • Mayall coined the term ”Adultist Veiwpoint”
  • Adultist Veiwpoint means children are veiwed as socialisation projects to mould and develop
  • Smart interview of children of divorce found children are not just passive victims but also involved in trying to make things better for everyone
  • Mason and Tipper say children create their own definition of family and this may include fictive kin (not proper blood relatives who are close)
  • Personal Life Perspective method of studying childhood highlight the lack of power of children and is favoured by child liberationists