cognitive interview

    Cards (14)

    • the cognitive interview is a way of improving accuracy of EWT
    • fisher and geiselman argued ewt could be improved if police use better techniques when interviewing witnesses
    • main techniques used for cognitive interview
      • reinstate the context
      • order
      • perspective
      • everything
    • reinstate the context
      • witness should return to original crime scene in mind and imagine environment and emotions to trigger onset of cues - relates to retrieval failure
    • order
      • events should eb recalled in different chronological order
      • done to prevent expectations of how event must have happened being reported as opposed to actual ones - prevents dishonsety
    • perspective (change perspectives)
      • witnesses should recall incident from other perspectives
      • done to disrupt effect of expectations and schemas on recall (schema you have for particular setting generates expectations of what would have happened - schema is recalled)
    • everything (report everything)
      • witnesses encouraged to include every detail of event
      • irrelevant details may be important or trigger onset of other memories
    • cognitive interview is effective for retrieval
      • more accurate if person in same state or place as to when incident occurred
      • can provide cues to help remember
    • cognitive interview is effective for leading questions
      • police use leading questions which leads to EWT being inaccurate
      • CI doesnt use list of questions out of context - reduces tendency to use leading questions
    • enhanced cognitive interview
      1. fisher developed additional elements for CI - focused on social dynamics of interaction e.g. interviewer needs to know when establishing eye contact is appropriate
      2. additional aspects of enhanced CI - reducing eyewitness anxiety, minimising distractions, getting witness to speak slowly
    • evaluation points for cognitive interview
      • time consuming
      • research support (enhanced CI)
      • increase in inaccurate info
    • time consuming as eval point for cognitive interview
      • interviews take time to conduct - take longer than normal interviews (more time needed for emotionally being availbale to witnesses)
      • limits accuracy of recall from eyewitness - can cause frustration for prolonging potential trauma of constant shifting mindset back and forth
      • CI requires specialist training - police forces wont have time to deliver training/amount of hours needed - means unlikely that 'proper' version of CI is used
      • limits accuracy because trained police aren't able to deliver appropriate interviews aligning with techniques
    • research support (enhanced CI) as eval point for cognitive interview
      • researcher carried out meta analysis of 50 studies
      • enhanced cognitive interview (fishers later development) consistently provided more correct information than standard interviews used by police
      • strength as demonstrates that there are real practical benefits for using ECI
    • increase in inaccurate info as eval point for cognitive interview
      • techniques that ECI use with aim of increasing amount of correct info remembered - can also lead to increase in incorrect recall
      • researcher found 81% increase of correct info but also 61% increase for incorrect info when ECI was compared with standard interview
      • problem as recalled info could be inaccurate - means EWT can be incorrect regardless of how witness is interviewed
      • limits application to real life usage due to lack of reliability in finding correct information