chp 10

Cards (9)

  • reversible reaction

    products of the reactions can react to make the original reactants
  • in a closed system the rate of the forward and reverse reactions are equal at equilibrium
  • changing concentration
    if concentration of products builds up - the rate at which they react to reform reactants increase
    this means that the rate of the forward reaction decreases
    because the concentration of the reactants is decreasing from its original maximum value
  • if the forward reaction produces more molecules of gas...
    ... an increase in pressure decreases the amount of products formed
    ... a decrease in pressure increases the amount of products formed
  • if the forward reaction produces fewer molecules of gas ...
    ... an increase in pressure increases the amount of products formed
    ... a decrease in pressure decreases the amount of products formed
  • if the forward reaction is exothermic ...
    ... an increase in temperature decreases the amount of products formed
    ... a decrease in temperature increases the amount of products formed
  • if the forward reaction is endothermic ...
    ... an increase in temperature increases the amount of products formed
    .. a decrease in temperature decreases the amount of products formed
  • Haber Process
    turning nitrogen into ammonia - used for fertilisers
    raw materials used are:
    • nitrogen from the air
    • hydrogen from methane
    the process:
    • a gas stream contains hydrogen and nitrogen
    • the nitrogen / hydrogen mixture is compressed to a pressure of 200 atm and heated to 450 ºC
    • reaction vessel contains the iron catalyst to speed up reaction
    • the mixture of gases emerging from the reactor is cooled, ammonia liquefies in the cooling chamber
    • unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen are returned to the reaction vessel via the compressor
  • contact process
    makes sulfuric acid - used for paints, pigments, fertilisers, plastics, synthetic fibres, dydes
    raw materials:
    • sulfur
    • air
    • water
    stage 1:
    sulfur is burnt and oxidised to sulfur dioxide gas
    stage 2:
    sulfur dioxide is oxidised to make sulfur trioxide in a reversible reaction that takes place at 450 ºC and atmospheric pressure, in the presence of a vanadium oxide catalyst
    stage 3:
    in effect sulfur trioxide reacts with water to make sulfuric acid