experimental methods

Cards (20)

  • what is a pilot study?
    checks to see if there are any problems with methodology
    small scale trial run of experiment
  • features of lab experiment?
    tightly controlled artificial environment
    iv deliberately manipulated
    dv is measured
    instructions & procedure are standardised
    evs are highly controlled
  • features of quasi experiment?
    tightly controlled artificial environment
    pre-existing iv (not changed) e.g age/gender
    dv is measured
    evs are controlled
    instructions & procedure are standardised
  • features of field experiment?
    a more natural environement
    iv deliberately manipulated
    dv is measured
    some evs are controlled
    no standardised procedures
  • feautures of natural experiment?
    natural environment
    no control of iv -naturally occuring
    dv is measured
    no control of evs
    no standardised procedures
  • high internal validity * for lab?
    • conducted in artificial controlled setting with manipulation of iv & control over evs
    • can trust conclusions as we can be more certain that the only thing affecting dv is iv
  • high reliability * for lab?
    • uses standardised procedures
    • means everyone can be given exact same experience
    • easier to replicate in saame way & get same results
  • low ecological validity X for lab?
    • conducted in artificial environment so may behaviour is less likely to be realistic as its very different from real life situations
    • this affects the extent to which we can generalise the findings to real world
  • high reliability * for quasi?
    • uses standardised procedures it means everyone can be given same experience
    • means its easier to repeat study in same way to see if we get same results
  • low control of confounding variables X for quasi?
    • does not randomly allocate participants to conditions so there may be confounding variables
    • ? internal valid - these variables can affect the dv so cause & effect relationship cannot be established
  • high ecological validity * for field?
    • accurately represents real world as its conducted in natural settings so behaviour more likely to be realistic
    • results can be generalised to real world
  • low risk of demand characteristics * for field?
    • participants are more likely to behave naturally as they are less likely to know they are taking part in a study
    • this means its more difficult for them to guess aim & change behaviour accordingly
  • low internal validity X for field?
    • evs cannot be controlled as it takes place in more natural setting
    • makes it difficult to guarantee that iv is only thing affecting dv as evs could have played role
  • high ecologial validity * for natural?
    • study takes place in the real world so results are going to be more generalisable
    • results are generalisable to real world so may be able to develop practical applications or explain real world behaviour
  • low risk of demand characteristics * for natural?
    • participants are less likely to be aware they are taking part in a study so are less likely to guess aim
    • behaviour is more natural & realistic so results are an accurate reflection of how participants would act in real world
  • low internal validity X for natural?
    • as its conducted in completely natural environment means no control over evs
    • difficult to guarantee that iv is only thing affecting dv as evs could have played role
  • low ecological validity for quasi?
    • conducted in artificial controlled environment
    • behaviour is less likely to be different from real life situations
    • mkaes it difficult to generalise findings to real life behaviours
  • high internal validity for quasi?
    • conducted in artificial controlled environment so controls evs
    • means were better able to establish cause & effect between iv & dv
  • low reliabilty for field?
    • does not use standardised procedures so its difficult to repeat under exact same settings
    • makes it difficult to check for consistency
  • low reliability for natural?
    • its completely naturally occuring event
    • makes it difficult to repeat study in exact same way
    • would have to rely on same naturally occuring event in same way which is unlikely